Les publications
Une partie importante de l'activité des enseignants-chercheurs consiste à produire et diffuser leurs connaissances à travers de communications et publications. Les membres de la Chaire Pégase travaillent sur de nombreuses thématiques et publient régulièrement leurs conclusions dans des articles scientifiques ou dans la presse.
Ci-dessous, nous recensons uniquement les publications des chercheurs en lien direct avec les thématiques de la Chaire Pégase.
Les Carnets de la Chaire Pégase
Les articles de recherche et les communications scientifiques
- Chiambaretto P., Bildstein C., Laurent S., Rouyre A., Portes A., Luffarelli J., Alessandra P., Chappert H., Bovis M., Justy T., Fernandez A-S. (2024). Digitalisation du transport aérien : réel progrès ou source de stress pour les passagers ?, Les Carnets de la Chaire Pégase, n°6.
- Chiambaretto P., Bildstein C., Laurent S., Rouyre A., Chappert C., Bovis M., Levya-de la Hiz D., Fernandez A-S., Heritier A. (2023). "Innover pour une aviation plus durable : l’enjeu de l’acceptabilité des passagers", Les Carnets de la Chaire Pégase, n°5
- Chiambaretto P., Bildstein C., Alessandra P., Rouyre A., Feiereisen S., Fernandez A-S., Seran T., Chappert H. (2022). "La génération Z et le transport aérien : quelles différences entre les 15-24 ans et le reste de la population française ?", Les Carnets de la Chaire Pégase, n°4
- Chiambaretto P., Bildstein C., Fernandez A-S., Alessandra P., Chappert H., Grall M., Bennouri M., Seran T., Khedhaouria A., Papaix C. (2021). "Voyages d'affaires et visioconférence : quel avenir pour le transport aérien ?", Les Carnets de la Chaire Pégase, n°3
- Chiambaretto P., Bildstein C., Mayenc E., Bennouri M., Grall M., Chappert H., Fernandez A-S. (2020). « Transport aérien : l'impact du COVID-19 sur le comportement des Français », Les Carnets de la Chaire Pégase, n°2
- Chiambaretto P., Mayenc E., Chappert H., Engsig J., Fernandez A-S., Le Roy F., Joly C. (2020). « Les Français et l’impact environnemental du transport aérien : entre mythes et réalités », Les Carnets de la Chaire Pégase, n°1
- Chiambaretto, P., Laurent, S., Schmalz, U., Fu, M., Rouyre, A., Bildstein, C., & Fernandez, A-S. (2024). Are consumers willing to pay more for green innovations? Insights from the air transport industry. Technovation, 137, 103079 (link)
- Rouyre, A., Fernandez, A-S., & Bruyaka, O. (2024). Big problems require large collective actions: Managing multilateral coopetition in strategic innovation networks. Technovation, 132, 102968 (link)
- Rouyre, A., Fernandez, A-S., & Estrada, I. (2024). Co-evolution of governance mechanisms and coopetition in public-private projects. Journal of Operations Management, 1–30 (link)
- Chiambaretto, P., & Combe, E., (2023). Business model hybridization but heterogeneous economic performance: Insights from low-cost and legacy carriers in Europe. Transport Policy. 136, 83-97 (link)
- Decker, C., & Chiambaretto, P. (2022). Economic policy choices and trade-offs for Unmanned aircraft systems Traffic Management (UTM): Insights from Europe and the United States. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 157, 40–58. (link)
- Fernandez, A-S., Chiambaretto, P., Chauvet, M. & Engsig, J. (2021). Why do MNEs both make and coopete for innovation ?, Technovation, 106 (link)
- Chiambaretto, P., Mayenc, E., Chappert, H., Engsig, J., Fernandez, A-S & Le Roy, F. (2021). Where does flygskam come from? The role of citizens’ lack of knowledge of the environmental impact of air transport in explaining the development of flight shame, Journal of Air Transport Management, 93 (link)
- Chiambaretto, P. (2021). Air passengers’ willingness to pay for ancillary services on long-haul flights, Transportation Research Part E : Logisitics and Transportation Review, 147 (link)
- Rouyre, A. & Fernandez, A-S (2019). Managing knowledge sharing-protecting tensions in coupled innovation projets among several competitors, California Management Review, 62 (1) (link)
- Chiambaretto, P., & Wassmer, U. (2019). Resource utilization as an internal driver of alliance portfolio evolution: The Qatar Airways case (1993–2010). Long Range Planning, 52(1), 51–71 (link)
- Fernandez, A.-S., Le Roy, F., & Chiambaretto, P. (2018). Implementing the right project structure to achieve coopetitive innovation projects. Long Range Planning, 51(2), 384–405 (link)
- Chiambaretto, P., & Fernandez, A.-S. (2016). The evolution of coopetitive and collaborative alliances in an alliance portfolio: The Air France case. Industrial Marketing Management, 57, 75–85 (link)
- Fernandez, A.-S., & Chiambaretto, P. (2016). Managing tensions related to information in coopetition. Industrial Marketing Management, 53, 66–76 (link)
- Chiambaretto, P. (2015). Resource Dependence and Power-balancing Operations in Alliances: The Role of Market Redefinition Strategies. M@n@gement, 18(3), 205–233 (link)
- Fernandez, A.-S., & Le Roy, F. (2015). Les stratégies de coopétition comme source de tensions : le cas EADS-Thales dans l’industrie des satellites de télécommunications. Management International, 19(3), 115–128 (link)
- Le Roy, F., & Fernandez, A.-S. (2015). Managing Coopetitive Tensions at the Working-group Level: The Rise of the Coopetitive Project Team. British Journal of Management, 26(4), 671–688 (link)
- Chiambaretto, P., & Fernandez, A.-S. (2014). Transferring low-cost marketing practices from air to rail services: The Ouigo case. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 10, 40–44 (link)
- Fernandez, A.-S., Le Roy, F., & Gnyawali, D. R. (2014). Sources and management of tension in co-opetition case evidence from telecommunications satellites manufacturing in Europe. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(2), 222–235 (link)
- Chiambaretto, P. (2013). Strategic reactions of regional airports facing the competition of the high-speed train – Lessons from France. Journal of Airport Management, 7(1), 62–70 (link)
- Chiambaretto, P., Baudelaire, C., & Lavril, T. (2013). Measuring the willingness-to-pay of air-rail intermodal passengers. Journal of Air Transport Management, 26, 50–54 (link)
- Chiambaretto, P., & Decker, C. (2012). Air–rail intermodal agreements: Balancing the competition and environmental effects. Journal of Air Transport Management, 23, 36–40 (link)